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Archive for March 26th, 2009

Open Enrollment Qt training in Poland

ARISE, a company I’m cooperating with, is organizing a certified Qt training in Poland. The course will be held on 4-8th May in Warsaw, Poland. It is basically dedicated for Polish speaking people but it may be conducted in English or a separate English course may be organized.

Participants will learn Qt basics and advanced topics of their choice. An incomplete list of subjects includes graphics and animation, WebKit, networking and multithreading. The training is based on the latest release of Qt – 4.5 and takes a form of lectures and workshops. After the training, participants will receive Qt Software certificates and training materials. The number of places available is limited so register early.

I will be the person giving the training, so I hope to meet you in Warsaw in May.

Details (in Polish) are available on the Arise Open Enrollment training web page. For more information and registration please send an email to or fill the registration form available under the mentioned link.

A less detailed English description of the training is also available.

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