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Archive for April, 2007


I often write code that iterates over an XML document and performs actions on elements with some specifig tag. Usually I do it using code like the following:

for(QDomElement elem = parent.firstChildElement("tag");
                elem = elem.nextSiblingElement("tag")){

This is fine, but I thought it’d be nicer to do it using the foreach() loop offered by Qt. Out of the box Qt doesn’t allow to use foreach with xml documents, so I decided to do something about it :)

After 15 minutes the class was ready:


class DomElementContainer {
  class const_iterator {
    friend class DomElementContainer;
      const_iterator &operator++(){
        m_e = m_e.nextSiblingElement(m_t);
        return *this;
      const QDomElement & operator*(){
        return m_e;
      bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const {
        return (m_e==other.m_e && m_t==other.m_t);
      bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const {
        return (m_e!=other.m_e || m_t!=other.m_t);
      const_iterator(const QDomElement &e, const QString &t){
        m_e = e;
        m_t = t;
      QDomElement m_e;
      QString m_t;

  DomElementContainer(const QDomElement &e, const QString &tag=QString::null){
    m_tag = tag;
    m_elem = e;
  DomElementContainer(const QDomDocument &d, const QString &tag=QString::null){
    m_tag = tag;
    m_elem = d.documentElement();
  const_iterator begin() const{
    return const_iterator(m_elem.firstChildElement(m_tag), m_tag);
  const_iterator end() const {
    return const_iterator(QDomElement(), m_tag);
  QDomElement m_elem;
  QString m_tag;

Now it’s possible to do the following:

#include "domelementcontainer.h"

const char *xml = "content 1content 2 "
                  "content 3";

int main(){
    QDomDocument doc;
    DomElementContainer c(doc, "tag");
    foreach(QDomElement e, c)
      qDebug("%s", qPrintable(e.text()));
    return 0;

Download available here.

First points for Kubica

Quite a boring race (no cars flying centimetres over one’s head, etc.), but at least Kubica finished Bahrajn GrandPrix at 6th place and earned his first points this season. Ferrari, McLaren and BMW again proved to have no other serious opponents this year.

Some Bahrajn GP “related” photos follow :)


Courtesy of

xnxx indian