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Archive for September 17th, 2009

Qt DevDays 2009

Are you going to Troll… eeem…. Qt Soft… hmm… Qt by Nok…. aaaahaa! Qt Developer Days?

I strongly suggest you do so, if you have such oportunity. Although the Early Bird registration for Munich is already closed (meaning a higher fee to pay to attend the conference) but it’s still open for San Francisco, so start registering! The conference is worth attending even at full price, so don’t hesitate – get your wallets (or better yet your bosses wallet) out!

This year we have three parallel tracks – Technical, Qt in Use and Education. All are looking very interesting. If you’re an engineer it’s most probably you’d want to see most of the technical sessions and they are looking quite good. My favourites are probably going to be Optimizing Performance in Qt Applications, The Next Generation Qt Item Views, QWidget in Depth, Special FX with Qt Graphics View and Animation Framework: A Step Toward Modern UIs. It’s hard to see them all and there are other great sessions as well.

If you’re still programming using Visual Studio, (K|Q)Develop or Eclipse, you’ll probably want to see sessions about Qt Creator and let yourself be introduced into the world of magic in software development.

Take your boss with you too (especially if you don’t use Qt at work yet) – let him/her attend the Qt in Use sessions. See how others make Qt part of their success – maybe your company can benefit from the technology as well? Even if you are already using Qt, maybe there is some place for improvement and (catchphrase for your boss comming!) reduction of expenses.

If you have academic background, it’s important that you attend the Qt in Education sessions, especially see Knut and Juergen talk about implementing Qt in universities and teaching materials available.

And don’t forget the parts that let you integrate with the community – coctail party, dinner, games and lots of chatting with Qt users from all over the world, Trolls included (they don’t bite, at least not intentionally).

If you’re “just” a Qt (or KDE) user, consider attending as well, it’s great fun and you can meet people responsible for the software you use everyday. Fact or crap?

We’ll be there (in Munich), will you? Share your opinions on past conferences and the upcoming ones. What are the best sessions in your opinion?

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